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NAME: Dawn Jamieson  
NATION: Cayuga  
DISCIPLINE: Playwright  


Dawn Jamieson is an actor, playwright, and acting coach/teacher. As an actor, she has appeared in theatre, film, voiceover, and commercial projects.

Playwriting: The plays that she has written include Silent Quest, Crooked Paths and Mangled Beams. Silent Quest is a drama about a priest from a reservation and a Native American female attorney who bring a sexually abusive priest to justice while helping each other find their identities within their diverse cultures. Crooked Paths is the story of a "half breed" U.S. Attorney, working on a Medicaid fraud case, struggles with her ethnic identification while she deals with her full blooded native boyfriend who is running for State Senator, is involved in the case, and has his own conflicts with his people. Mangled Beams is a drama about two Native American men who are brought into NYC to walk the mangled beams after 9/11 and how their lives are changed. Dawn is one of the founding members of a weekly playwriting group called Times Square Playwrights

Ethnicity: Dawn’s father was Cayuga (part of the Iroquois Confederacy) from the Six Nations Reserve in Brantford, Canada. Her mother was a Canadian of Scottish/English heritage. Born in Canada, raised in Michigan, she has lived in Manhattan since graduating from college. She is proud of her family and her Board Membership in the American Indian Community House